Value Totems Mini-Experience

How to use your jewelry to find, express, and love your full colour and shine.

“Wisdom begins in curiosity.” Socrates

In a Nutshell: These next steps will guide you through my method (A.B.C.D/D), showing you how to use your jewelry as “your personal catalyst.” It’s all about helping you shift how you move through life and giving you the power to choose how you feel each day. You can use this method to work on any mindstate (feeling), mindset (value/belief), message (attention focus/intention), or meaning (the significance you attach to things) you want to create, change, or enhance.

So – let’s make this easy – easy for you to try out and see if it suits your way of making changes in life. Because, one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from many years of working with us humans – is that many things work for many people some of the time. But whatever the ‘tool’ the person using it has to be ready, and the tool has to align with how they do things at this moment of their life context. Because we all evolve and circumstances change (and thankfully they do as life would be very static and monotonous otherwise).

So, I’m aware of the fact that I only have your attention for a little flicker of time. Which is why I’ll go directly into the method. And as I describe the 3 simple steps you’ll travel in your mini-experience, I’ll weave in some of the ‘why and how this stuff works’.

All the way through though – I invite you to stay aware and be as sceptical as you feel the need to. I want you to question what we discuss. I want you to run the steps through your internal filters. And to seek to understand. To learn to trust your own judgement – because no matter what I or another person you trust tells you – YOU are the one living in your mind, that serves your body, that seeks and finds the meaning YOU find salient on a day-to-day basis.

Dr Seuss was a wise puppett when he said: Today you are you, that’s truer than true. There’s no one on earth who’s you-er than you!

Finally, and probably the most significant reason I wanted to share this method with you: I invite you to have fun with me here.

Enjoy this mini-adventure and leave the mechanisms behind it to do the work – because they will. My method leverages how your mind already works. How it sees beauty. How it interprets it and assigns meaning. How you internalise that meaning and use it to fertilise your daily life with the value you want for the effort you put in.

So you just need to be present and willing. And of course you need the right piece of jewelry for the job.

Ready! Let’s start with Step 1