Value Totems Mini-Experience – Into Action!

Do, or do not. There is no try!” Yoda

Putting It All Together

OK – now let’s walk through an example together – as a way to illustrate the whole process. I invite you to use the intent and Totem you chose for yourself in the previous steps 1 and 2, and literally ‘plug’ your use-case in the process as if we were together in a room doing this.

My hypothetical use case scenario is about Alex.

She’s constantly on the go – high energy and involved in many projects all of the time. Alex is here reading this conversation. She is determined to be more present in her catchup meetings with her best friend Juno (that’s her ‘thing’ that she wants to work on: she’ll be working on giving herself the message to be more present).

She meets her friend once a week as a standing catchup coffee at a convenient Starbucks. The problem is – she’s noticed herself staying in work mode for most of the time. Even when clearly the occasion called for her attention, compassion, softness.

Alex loves her friend deeply and wants to be there for her fully (that’s her powerhouse why). So she decides she’ll use her BFF friendship bracelet in our Value Totems Mini-experience.

The piece is a gift they gave each other five years ago on an amazing fun-filled holiday trip. And it has two beaded dangly charms that rattle against her wrist each time she moves her hand. They also make a cute knocking sound that’s barely audible. She’s used to that sound and she finds quite soothing).

Each time (reliably and automatically) Alex looks at the bracelet she feels the warmth and connection they’ve cultivated between each other over the years. That bracelet is unquestionably – the embodiment of her friendship.

So Alex decides: “Each time I head off for my coffee with Juno, I’ll put on my BFF bracelet. In the time we’re together each time I move my hand and feel the tap of the little charms against my wrist, I commit to mentally run through my A.B.C.D/D route – Awareness –> Breathe –> Choose –> Do and or Decode.

My action step (the Do of A.B.C.D/D) will be to choose to stay present and slow down, and just BE with Juno. I’ll feel the warmth that comes from knowing I’m able to be there with my friend and fully enjoy her company as opposed to allowing my energy to leak out into stuff my brain is still caught-up into from the day.”

And so Alex goes to her next coffee with Juno.

And yes – sometimes she’d go minutes without the awareness. But somehow each time the bracelet tapped, she’d mentally stop in awareness of the moment. Then the next time she’d even remember to take that B – to breathe to create space. Eventually – almost automatically her attention will turn to cherishing the here and now with her friend.

Now Over to You

We’re done with the talking and preparation, it’s time to ‘hit the road‘ in your mini-experience.

My aim was to give you a quick, easy and relatively fun way to get you into action. My pet peeve from 15+ years in the digital education world is that a lot of methods give you a truck-load of ‘sexy’ sounding information, but when their ‘show’ is over and it’s your turn to make the information a reality – often people feel lost. Then you don’t take action, and you get no results, but you’ve still ‘spent’ your time and energy on consuming the sexy-sounding info. But the worst part of this way of sharing info with you, is that you end up feeling like it’s your fault. That somehow YOU didn’t have what it takes to make the change.

Well – not on my watch :o)

I’ve given you everything you need to be able to jump into trying the A.B.C.D/D method for yourself. You can try it for as long as you need to, to help decide if this is a tool you’d like to keep using (3 days, 7 days – you choose).

Remember that not every method works for everyone, every time, forever. But the more tools you have at your disposal – the better set you are to stay fluid in life. And sometimes a cocktail of tools will work best…

Also – know that you’ll have a few stumbles in the beginning – that’s the normal trajectory of this kind of thing.

The point should be to expose your mind to this new way of making changes – of getting to understand and unfold more of the full shiny YOU. As long as you’re remembering some of the steps most of the time – you’re doing well. The beauty of this method, is that in leveraging your natural operational MO – things will start to happen organically as long as you stay present when it matters.

Now here’s the short-list of how to take action and launch your mini-experience:

  • take your chosen Totem;
  • read through your chosen intent statement (with your Powerhouse WHY), then decide that each time you put your Totem on, you’ll try your best to do, behave like, or embody your intent. Or each time you need to embody/do/behave like your intent, you will put on your Totem and make it happen.
  • write down your A.B.C.D/D acronym on post-it notes and stick them around your home to see them often. Maybe even make it into your Watch or phone face background :o)
  • for the next 3 to 7 days run your experience and ideally keep a note with observations. They don’t have to be long elaborate explanations, but recording the essential insights and some context, will be empowering and a good learning aid (feedback loop) for you along the way.



Right – that’s it with the theory.

If for some reason you find yourself wanting more guidance – like you want me in the room with you, helping you figure out the specifics step by step. Then reach out to me with a few sentences on what you want to work on, and I’ll reply with how and if we can make it happen. If nothing else – I’ll try my best to give you a next steps idea, or to help you pick a Totem that will make things into a sure game for your goal :o)

This isn’t a sales pitch – it comes from understanding that some of us get results faster in a one-on-one guided session. Either way, if and when you find the method resonates with how you like to do things, you will naturally find a way to dig deeper and to find the next step for you.

Thank you for your attention and energy — Live in your full colour & shine.


P.S. I would appreciate it if you find the above mini-experience useful if you share it with anyone you feel is ready, willing and able to use it for themselves – here is the link to the beginning:

I aim to reach as many self-activating humans as possible to help them live even more meaningful lives – you could help transform someone’s trajectory for the better – thank you :o)